#029 Nils and Daniel - Lichtblock Insights: New ring light, vacuum cleaner & Capri
#028 Sukkhadas - 180 degree turnaround, burnout prevention, cold, breathing & conscious sexuality
#027 Chris Mohr - Successful coach for Ninja Warriors, NFL player and UFC fighter - role model, father
#026 Mandy "Monster" Böhm - "As much as necessary, as little as possible" A UFC fighter on discipline, training & everyday life
It's good for you: reducing pain with red light - Bio 360 Podcast
Turn it off: This light is killing you - Bio 360 Podcast
#025 Dr. Philipp Herold - A nation grinding and clenching? Mouth breathing, what to do? A view from holistic orthodontics
#024 Dr. med. Manuel Burzler - Are the genes to blame? Epigenetics & lifestyle - How our environment influences us
Blue blocking glasses, biorhythm and chiropractic - The Flowgrade Show
#023 Vanessa Blumhagen - Hashimoto's symptoms just in your head or real? Gluten as the cause? A diagnosis as a celebrity
#022 Raphael Kiemann - Performance Architecture - Do you know parasite people? Balance, recognition & inner world
Generation artificial light: better light hygiene - Lanserhof health podcast "Forever Young"
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