#024 Dr. med. Manuel Burzler - Are the genes to blame? Epigenetics & lifestyle - How our environment influences us
A conversation between Daniel and Manuel on the topic of epigenetics. Still an unknown topic for many people, but one that is becoming more and more relevant in our society. The majority of illnesses today are lifestyle-related diseases. The question is whether we humans can have an influence on their progression?
Even today, many study programs still teach that our genes are the cause of cardiovascular diseases, among other things. In fact, there are even some experts in the USA who believe that obesity is genetically predisposed and that we cannot have a major influence on it. Is that true? Find out the answer in today's episode. Do you like the content? Then please share the episode with your friends.
Dr. med Manuel Burzler - doctor for holistic medicine - co-founder of Healversity
Instagram: @drepigenetics @healversity