#021 Patrick Meinart - colored glasses, neurology of sleep & insight into his work
#020 Björn Kurtenbach - From top chef to organic chopper
#019 Chris Surel - Sleep 3 hours and still be fit? Hacks for your nervous system from the Spiegel bestselling author
#018 Wolfgang Unsöld - Yoga vs. strength training, supplements, evolution of personal training & knee over toe guy
Light - small particles with a big effect - Part 1+2 [Ganz Gesund - Dominik Barkow MyBodyMind]
#017 Dr. Anne Karl - Grinding, retainers, wisdom teeth, posture and living in your own energy
#016 Dr. Lutz Graumann - Sleep, exercise and regeneration - An inspiring conversation between experts
#015 Nico Airone - Mens Health Fitness Director, Biohacker & Cover Model - Valuable tips from a pro
#014 Dr. Simone Koch - Thyroid, morning sickness, intolerances - Is there a holy grail?
#013 Sleep expert Jan Herzog - Is there such a thing as "The right bed?"
Red light and photobiomodulation for your health and energy - Level up Living
#011 Dr. Dietrich Moldan - Electromagnetic radiation - Is a smart life really smart? (2/2)
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