Red light lamp for earache - a home remedy for quick relief?
Anyone who has ever suffered from an earache knows that it's no fun. The pain is always present and catches you out with almost every everyday movement. Perhaps you know exactly what we're talking about here.
You want a cold drink? The earache is becoming unbearable. Fancy a round of sport? The pain in your ears is slowing you down. Are your children suffering from earache? You notice how bad it makes them feel.
Regardless of how earache is currently affecting you: you need quick relief. Painkillers such as ibuprofen or paracetamol - but also ASA - can help. But if medication is not your first choice or is not effective enough, what can you do for the affected ear?
Red light therapy may be a solution. The warming light of red lamps has been considered an effective home remedy for decades. But can red light lamps really alleviate the severe pain and discomfort? And if so, how?
First of all, an exciting fact: there are now red light lamps that have nothing to do with the heat lamps of the past. They are powered by LEDs and are supposed to work in a different way. You can find out what these lamps can do and whether they should also be used for earache in this article.
Is heat good for earache?
Many people make a mistake: they confuse a red light lamp with a heat lamp. Yes, it's true: Heat lamps are often also available under the name red light lamp. And yes, in addition to their warming effect, they are characterized by their red light. But there is a difference:
Heat lamps, as you may know them from physio practices, have a thermal or warming effect. This is generated by a filament in the lamp. Modern red light lamps, on the other hand, use LEDs. And as you may know, they do not get warm or even hot. However, their cold light works with very specific wavelengths to achieve an effect. And these can help with earache.
Back to the question in this section: Is heat good for earache?
Generally speaking, mild to moderate earache can be relieved with heat. For acute symptoms, you can place a hot water bottle on the aching ear and enjoy the warming effect for a few minutes. Alternatively, you can irradiate your ear with a heat lamp for a few minutes. Both can relieve the pain - and both are proven home remedies for earache.
LED red light lamp as an alternative?
As already mentioned, modern red light lamps, such as our Lichtblock Uno have no appreciable warming effect. The use of such lamps is not about their warming effect, but about the effect of the light-emitting diodes (LEDs). Their cold light works with very specific wavelengths to achieve an effect.
LED technology is characterized by high light intensity with minimal heat generation. This is why we also use the term 'cold red light' in German-speaking countries when describing treatment with an LED red light lamp.
But how can cold red light work?
There are enzymes in the human body that can absorb photons from certain wavelengths. These enzymes are found in our mitochondria. You may remember this from your biology lessons: mitochondria are considered the power plants of the cells.
But what does this have to do with red light?
Certain wavelengths of light between 600 and 1100 nm can have a special effect on the mitochondria. Red light can have an effect on the superficial skin structures. Near-infrared light can penetrate further into the tissue and exert an influence there.
Therapy with near-infrared red light can help the mitochondria to make energy in the form of the energy carrier adenosine triphosphate (ATP) more readily available to the body. Near-infrared light and red light can also support the body in regeneration processes. For example, the light can stimulate protein production and thus promote cell repair.
A particularly positive effect for earache: irradiating the ears with a modern red light lamp can cause the blood vessels in the ear area to dilate and thus improve blood circulation. This in turn can lead to an improved supply of macro and micronutrients to the tissue. Plus: immune cells can reach the tissue better. And that is desirable in cases of pain.
Is red light good for middle ear infections?
A middle ear infection is no joke. This means that if you suspect you have this condition, you should see an ENT specialist. Here you will get a diagnosis and the right treatment for the inflammation.
Nevertheless, you can use red light to supplement your treatment - ideally in consultation with your doctor.
Supplementary radiation with red light can be worthwhile. This is because the medication you are prescribed will promote your healing. Infrared light, on the other hand, can provide rapid relief. And that's worth its weight in gold for earache, isn't it?
How does the red light provide relief?
As already mentioned, infrared radiation can provide great relief for chronic earache. Among other things, the radiation can stimulate blood circulation and thus stimulate the metabolism of the diseased ear. This in turn leads to the drainage of inflammatory secretions from the ear canal and pain relief.
The same can also help to alleviate the pain of middle ear infections.
Treating middle ear infections in children
It may not be you, but your child who is affected by the painful inflammation. This is actually nothing unusual. This is because children suffer from middle ear infections relatively frequently, especially at a young age - between six months and six years. This is partly due to their short eustachian tubes, which can swell quite quickly when inflamed. And this in turn can lead to a deterioration in pressure equalization and the drainage of fluids.
If your children suffer from earache or even a middle ear infection, you can expose the affected ear to red light for up to ten minutes. Caution: If you use a red light heat lamp, please ensure a minimum distance of 50 centimetres. Otherwise burns could occur. With modern LED red light lamps, you and your child can keep a distance of at least 20 cm.
Is red light anti-inflammatory?
The anti-inflammatory effect of near-infrared and red light has been investigated in various studies. Some of them confirm that red light has an anti-inflammatory effect can have. And this is true both in a prophylactic sense - i.e. before the inflammation develops - and for acute inflammation.
"PBM is able to upregulate the antioxidant defense and reduce oxidative stress. It has been shown [in a study] that PBM can activate cells. One of the most reproducible effects of PBM is an overall reduction in inflammation. [...] PBM can reduce inflammation in the brain, abdominal fat, wounds, lungs and spinal cord."
PBM - that's photobiomodulation. And that is what we are talking about when we talk about modern red light therapy. PBM is more or less the further development of classic red light therapy, as you know it from the past with a heat lamp.
Photobiomodulation therefore makes use of special LED light waves from a light spectrum in the red and near-infrared range, which can be absorbed particularly well by the cells or mitochondria.
This mode of action of red light takes on a very special significance when you consider that science has now recognized the the main cause of most chronic diseases. These include heart disease, cancer and autoimmune diseases.
How many times a day red light for earache?
If you or your loved ones suffer from earache, red light can help. But you're probably wondering how often and for how long you should use a red light lamp. There is no general answer here. However, there are guideline values within which this household remedy has proven to be particularly effective.
You should always follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer of your red light lamp. In general, however, the following applies: one exposure should last a maximum of 15 minutes. You can irradiate your ear up to three times a day for this period.
You can also ask the manufacturer for the recommended distance from the lamp. A distance of between 30 and 80 centimetres is generally recommended.
Important: Please wear protective goggles when pointing the red light lamp at your face. This also applies when irradiating the ears, as the light is close to the eyes. With children, you should monitor the radiation and ensure that they are not looking directly into the red light.
Red light for hearing problems - the latest findings
Recent studies have increasingly focused on the effect of photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) on hearing problems. One of them is a study from 2022: The effects of photobiomodulation therapy in individuals with tinnitus and without hearing loss
The study examined the effects of photobiomodulation therapy in individuals with chronic tinnitus without hearing loss. For this purpose, 20 patients who met the inclusion criteria were randomly assigned to group 1: red light with active low-level laser (LLL) and group 2: red light device without laser.
There were 12 sessions for the groups. Both groups showed a reduction in tinnitus. In people with chronic tinnitus, the symptoms were reduced. In the group receiving PBMT, the satisfaction level also improved, regardless of the time of assessment and the number of sessions.
For us, this means that LED red light therapy can lead to an improvement in hearing problems such as tinnitus - even without the use of lasers. We also assume that PBMT can have a beneficial effect.
For you, this means that you don't necessarily need a laser to treat your hearing problems. LED red light therapy can be enough to alleviate pain and other problems.
Conclusion: Red light lamp as a home remedy for earache
Experience shows that warming red light lamps can have a positive effect on acute earache. The pain can decrease and the discomfort can disappear more quickly. The warmth is generally good for those affected and can promote the healing process.
Modern LED red light lamps, which do not emit any significant heat, can also help with pain and discomfort in the ear. This is at least suggested by a number of current studies that are looking at the anti-inflammatory properties of PBM and also investigating the treatment of acute hearing problems using PBMT.
We conclude from this that you can definitely use red light as a home remedy for acute earache. Our Lichtblock Uno uses light with wavelengths of 630, 660 and 850 nm, which could help with acute ear pain. Or at least help to alleviate them.
Nevertheless, always consult a doctor in the event of acute illness. Especially if the symptoms persist for several days. This is the only way to rule out the presence of serious illnesses and determine the best treatment for you.
However, a red light lamp can always be used to alleviate the symptoms.
Incidentally, red light therapy does not always have to be used only to combat acute symptoms. You can also simply use the light as a soothing wellness moment during the cold season. 10 minutes of radiation in the evening can have a pleasant effect. If you also irradiate your ear in a targeted manner and use the red light lamp regularly, this can possibly prevent ear diseases such as middle ear infections and the like.