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Red light lamp for back pain - how to get relief

Red light lamp for back pain

You are probably familiar with warming red light lamps. They are a popular household remedy for muscle tension and pain - in the back, for example. However, the days of heat lamps are over. They are used alongside modern LED red light lamps more and more into the background. But what is the difference between these two types of lamp? And do modern red light lamps also help with back pain?

Back pain. Alongside headaches, it is the most common pain problem in Germany. According to the RKI burden of disease study BURDEN 2020, more than 61% of people in Germany had back pain within a year. were affected by back pain. Almost half of them suffered from neck pain during this time.

So it seems that back pain and tension are not uncommon. But how do people deal with the pain?

One common and popular treatment option is the use of heat. Warming ointments and creams or even heat plasters are sold to treat acute back pain.

Heat lamps are another popular way to combat back pain. They are available in almost every electronics store and provide immediate heat to the irradiated area of the body.

But what you probably don't know is that the red light alone - without the heat - can have a positive effect on acute back pain. How does it work? Find out now.

Red light for muscle tension and pain

Red light can actually help with back pain and tension in the back. This is due to the type of light. This is because infrared light of a certain type penetrates up to six millimetres deep into the human skin. This allows the light to reach the areas of the skin that are supplied with blood - where it can stimulate the body's own processes.

Irradiation with an infrared lamp can cause the blood vessels in the irradiated area to dilate and increase blood flow in the surrounding tissue. The logical consequence: more oxygen reaches the irradiated region. Metabolic products are removed more quickly. And this in turn can lead to a reduction in pain.

Physician Uta Petzold also confirms that this process relaxes the muscles and slightly anti-inflammatory can have an anti-inflammatory effect.

No heat! Infrared is the secret

The modern red light lamp is currently in the process of replacing the classic heat lamp. The LED red light lamp does not need heat to achieve an effect. It only uses a special spectrum of infrared A radiation. And this penetrates deep into the skin, where it can trigger pain-relieving processes.

One of the things that makes today's red light lamps so attractive is their high safety standards. You can use it every day at home. Depending on the manufacturer, a distance of 30 to 50 centimetres from the lamp is recommended. The maximum exposure time should be 15 minutes.

Distance and duration of use Lichtblock Uno
Use this area locally for 10 minutes for a specific area.
Use this area for 10 minutes for a larger area.
Use this area for about 20 minutes for the whole body.

What exactly is infrared light?

When you switch on a red light lamp, you perceive the rays in the form of red light. However, the lamp also emits rays that are not visible to you. These rays are infrared rays.

Attention, now it's getting a little physical.

The wavelength range of infrared radiation extends from 780 nanometers to 1 millimeter. However, the human eye can only perceive wavelengths between 400 and 700 nanometers. Infrared rays are outside this range and are therefore not visible to you.

Visibility of radiation with different wavelengths

This is also the reason why, for example, with our Lichtblock Uno only eight LEDs light up when switched on. There are 16 LEDs in the outer ring of the light block, eight of which produce light that is invisible to the human eye. They are nevertheless active when you switch on the LED toggle switch.

Infrared radiators can be divided into different types of radiation. These include C radiation between 3000 nanometers and 1 millimeter. B radiation between 1400 and 3000 nanometers. And A radiation with a wavelength range between 780 and 1400 nanometers.

In contrast to IR-B and IR-C radiation, IR-A radiation penetrates up to 6 mm into your subcutaneous tissue when used. This enables the body to absorb the radiation. If this is successful, the blood vessels dilate and blood circulation is stimulated in the irradiated area.

For comparison: the red light of our Lichtblock Uno uses light with wavelengths of 630, 660 and 850 nm. This also covers part of the IR-A radiation. And this can trigger the effects described above. Which in turn can lead to relief from back pain.

Important: If you suffer from acute pain or back pain for several days, you should definitely consult a doctor. Your persistent pain may be an indication of a serious illness. This should always be checked out medically.

FAQ Red light lamp for back pain

What types of back pain is the red light lamp used for?

Some people who suffer from back tension and pain rely on red light therapy. This usually involves irradiating the neck, shoulders or back. The confirms Carl Christopher Büttner from the German Association for Physiotherapy.

Can a red light lamp help with lumbago?

With lumbago, the back muscles in the lumbar spine tense up - which is extremely painful for those affected. One way to alleviate the pain is to use a red light lamp. The IR-A radiation penetrates so deeply into the muscle tissue that it can relieve cramps - such as those caused by lumbago. However, as with medication, overdosing is not recommended. So always follow the manufacturer's instructions for your red light lamp.

How long should the treatment with a red light lamp last?

This depends entirely on the red light lamp used and how it is used. Ideally, you should follow the manufacturer's instructions.
With our Lichtblock Uno we recommend an exposure time of 10 to 20 minutes - depending on the distance to the lamp. At a distance of 15 cm from the Lichtblock a local application of 10 minutes is recommended. At a distance of 30 cm from the light source, you should also opt for a 10-minute treatment. Here you also have the option of irradiating a larger area of the body due to the greater distance. A clear recommendation for the back area. At a distance of 30 cm or more, it is also possible to irradiate for around 20 minutes.

How long should the break between two radiotherapy sessions be?

Important: After irradiation with red light, you should initially refrain from further irradiation. If you are using the power light mode of our Uno light block, for example, you should wait around 24 hours before irradiating the same area again.

Does a red light lamp provide warmth?

A red light lamp such as the Lichtblock Uno is not a heat lamp. And yet the red light can trigger a feeling of warmth on the skin. Visible red light plays less of a role here. But infrared light, which is invisible to the human eye, does. It penetrates deep into the skin and can be perceived as warmth on the back.

Is red light good for a slipped disc?

If you suffer from a slipped disc, one of your primary goals is to be able to move again without pain. Pain-relieving medication in the form of painkillers is one option. Local anaesthetic medication is also an option. Your doctor will be happy to advise you on this.
In addition to your therapy, you can also use heat. It can stimulate blood circulation in your skin and relax the back muscles. One possible heat application is the use of a red light lamp. This does not necessarily have to be a heat lamp. A lamp that emits IR-A radiation is also an option. The targeted irradiation of the painful areas can release the tension and alleviate the discomfort.

Does red light relax the muscles?

Red light is used to treat tension, back pain, circulatory disorders and joint pain, among other things. This relief can in turn lead to the relaxation of tense muscles and muscle areas. Muscle pain and other complaints ideally decrease.

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