4 mindfulness exercises for a better night's sleep
Are you really aware of what you are doing? Do you enjoy your food in full awareness of how much work goes into each meal and how laborious the harvest of the fruit may have been, or do you scarf down a sandwich during your break in order to get to your next appointment quickly? Many people feel like they are on a hamster wheel in their everyday lives: we live in the fast lane, but we should also take the time to stop and look at the landscape around us from time to time.
A good way out of this "hamster wheel" is to be mindful in your everyday life. Mindfulness means being aware of the present moment without judgment. Stand in a free space and think about what an incredible coincidence it is that you are living in the here and now. This is your first exercise in mindfulness. Becoming aware of this can instantly improve your life. We will show you some mindfulness exercises that you can apply immediately. If you make your life more mindful, you will find an inner peace that will allow you to sleep more peacefully, even at night.
Have fun in everything you do!
This is a point that is actually self-explanatory, many of us often half-heartedly pursue too many different activities without really getting behind them. There are a few tasks that we can't put off, such as cleaning up the dishes or doing our taxes.
Learn to appreciate what is special about every single moment. When you wash the dishes, it's not just about doing a chore because someone has to do it, but washing your dishes for the sake of washing your dishes. Similarly, your night's rest should not be seen as a compulsory program, but as a conscious time of rest that you can arrange so that it is pleasant for you. Many of us are conditioned to sleep as little as possible, to spend the nights "on the slopes" and ideally to be back in the office at 09:00 the next day, sleeping only 5 hours. That's the wrong approach. Think of your night's rest as time that belongs only to you.
Do your evening routine differently
Everyone has routines that need to be done before going to bed, some people take a shower while others have a cup of tea and much more. These rituals have become a habit for many of us, but how about becoming more aware of them. How does your toothbrush feel in your hand? What sound does your kettle make when the water starts to boil? If you do your evening ritual a little differently, you are more likely to calm down because you are showing your body that a resting phase is about to begin and, ultimately, you will notice different aspects of your everyday life than you did before.
Body scan
For this mindfulness exercise, lie comfortably in bed, close your eyes and scan your body from top to bottom with an imaginary gaze. Start with your feet and focus your attention on whether you feel a tingling sensation in one part of your body, feel how and where your body touches the ground and much more. Move your imaginary gaze from top to bottom and then backwards. Once you have scanned your body in both directions, you can start to focus your attention on your surroundings.
Let your thoughts fly
Do you lie in bed at night and always think about the same unpleasant things from the day? The tax return still needs to be done and much more? Allow these negative thoughts, but don't dwell on them. Give yourself a negative thought, but then let it go. Set your mind on something positive, travel to faraway places or create a fantasy world.
These were four simple basic exercises, but there are an infinite number. Find the exercises that suit you and look for the exercises that suit you. A few exercises will quickly help you to see the world differently and become more relaxed.