#004 Daniel Ebert & Sebastian Firmke - Evolution of personal training
Illuminated or blinded? Understanding and using light from red light to blue light
#003 Johanna Llin - Are your early childhood reflexes sabotaging you?
#002 Four musketeers in the studio - unconventional ideas on exercise, nutrition & co
#001 Leon Mirek - From Berlin vegan to hunter on Lake Tegernsee
Biomechanics meets chiropractic, what you can learn from both worlds about the spine, posture and back
Health Talk with Daniel Sentker - Level up Living
The effect of red light and more about health with Manuel, Björn and Daniel
How can you make your sleeping environment sustainable? - Daniel Sentker
Warrior of light, how you can use light for your everyday life and training
Ask yourself the right questions! - with chiropractor Daniel Sentker
Bad light? What makes us sick and how we can optimize our lifestyle with chiropractor Daniel Sentker
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