Stress reduction for the eye (protection of sensitive photoreceptors)
Does your child use a tablet or smartphone?
Does your child like to watch a movie or series in the evening?
Does your child have problems falling asleep or sleeping through the night?
Then the use of Blueblocker glasses may be useful for your child.
The crucial and biggest problem with blue light after sunset is its effect on the nervous system. After dark, the light tricks the brain into thinking it is the wrong time of day. This interrupts the sleep cycle and can have a negative effect on your child's health, especially over a longer period of time. Blue blockers, which block 100% blue light, can help your child to protect the sleep cycle and improve sleep quality.
Difference between LEDs and fire
LED spectrum
Blue light is light with a wavelength of approx. 380 to 495 nanometers (nm). This is short-wave and very high-energy light. Modern displays, LEDs and energy-saving lamps have a disproportionately high proportion of blue light. This stimulates certain photoreceptor cells and can lead to a dysregulation of the sleep-wake rhythm. This can have a negative impact on your child's hormones and metabolism. (1)
Fire (candlelight)
Before we were able to turn night into day with the invention of electricity, there were only natural light sources in the form of fire. The major and decisive difference to today's light sources is the distribution of the light spectrum. As can be seen in the graph, blue and green are hardly present in candlelight. Furthermore, fire has no flicker effect, which can stress the nervous system. Therefore, fire usually has a calming effect.
Tip - Reduce the light intensity around your child in the evening and use alternative light sources such as our Lichtblock® Uno and candlelight to create a relaxed atmosphere.
Why is there no Dark model for children?
In our practice, we have found that children's nervous systems still react strongly to colors. Apart from that, younger children in particular feel much more comfortable with a lighter version and prefer to wear it.
I bought the glasses for my five-year-old grandson and they not only look good, they are also perfect for him! He likes to wear them when watching TV because they really take the strain off his eyes. He blinks less with these glasses.
A clear recommendation to buy!
Jasmin Thamm
Chic, comfortable and functional
You can already see the quality of the glasses, which - like all products from Lichtblock - products. My daughter likes to wear them and thinks they're great. Great for an evening glance at her cell phone to look at photos etc.! Thank you!
Eugenie Hecker
Great glasses fit child with 3 and 7 years perfectly
We now all have Blueblocker glasses. They help us to fall asleep and sleep through the night much faster. If media is consumed in the evening, it's compulsory for us.
We also have the Uno, which my child says is our sun.
Both children are very happy when I turn it on, both in the morning and in the evening.
Personally, the Uno wakes me up. I'm no longer as tired in the morning as I used to be.
I let it shine on my face for 10 minutes. The children are also woken up by the light and are therefore more relaxed compared to before without the Uno. Then I take it with me for breakfast.
I also irradiate myself everywhere with the Uno when I have pain. It helps me after the first time.
I also had it with me in hospital and used it to irradiate my scars after the operation.
All in all, we are very happy with the products.
And I can only recommend it to everyone.
I would love to have an Uno in every room.
Jennifer Steierl
Great children's glasses
Our son has loved wearing them since day 1 ...
I think they are superbly made, both in terms of their durability and their appearance 👍
Anne W.
The son likes the glasses
Super workmanship and worth the money. Looks very cool and my 7 year old son likes them
Ich merke einen starken Unterschied in den Tagen an denen ich abends die Brille trage und an denen ich sie vergesse zu tragen. Meine Einschlafqualität hat sich enorm gebessert. Ich bin dankbar euch entdeckt zu haben.
Der Clip ist super . Meine Augen sind sofort viel entspannter und ich werde abends endlich müde trotz Bildschirme/ Fernseher . Auch die schwarzen Bügel am Clip , sieht man nicht bzw ich sehe ihn mit einem Auge minimal , wenn man den Clip aufsetzt. Es stört mich allerdings nicht bzw. achte ich nicht darauf . Es wäre vll eine Idee , die schwarzen Bügel durchsichtig zu gestalten.
Die Nachtlichter leuchten wie beschrieben in rot.
Ich benutze alle drei, im Bad auf Dauerleuchten im Flur mit Bewegungsmelder. Ich finde, dass das Licht hell genug und nicht Schlaf störend ist.
Es wäre sehr hilfreich, wenn es nicht nur Dauer- und Bewegungsleuchten gäbe, sondern auch "Aus" und dass der Schalter seitlich oder vorne angebracht wäre, so dass man tagsüber ganz einfach alle ausschalten könnte. Habe mir deshalb Zwischenstecker mit Schalter gekauft, um tagsüber die Lampen nicht jedes mal ausstecken zu müssen.
Bin sehr zufrieden.
Gewöhnungsbedürftig aber dann angenehm für die Augen und den Schlaf.
Am Anfang war die gelbe Sicht sehr gewöhnungsbedürftig aber wenn man sich daran gewöhnt hat, ist es sehr angenehm für die Augen und der Schlaf in der Nacht ist deutlich besser.
Hab die Brille für meinen fünfjährigen Enkel gekauft und sie sieht nicht nur gut aus ,sie ist auch perfekt für ihn ! Er setzt sie gern beim fern schauen auf ,da sie wirklich die Augen entlastet . Mit dieser Brille zwinkert er weniger .
Klare Kaufempfehlung !
Diese Halterung sollte jeder für seinen UNO haben. Super stabil, tolle Verarbeitung und macht es möglich den Uno so gut überall zu nutzen und verschiedene Areale zu erreichen