#038 Dr. Alexander Wunsch - Healthy LED light? Light flicker - infrared light, motor oil for the body
In this episode, Daniel talks to light expert Dr. Alexander Wunsch. Daniel himself would call him the "pope of light", as there are few people in this day and age who have delved so deeply into the subject of light and health or have developed such a passion for it as Dr. Wunsch has.
Dr. Wunsch's work is one of the reasons why Daniel became aware of the topic of light in 2019. The well-known Vimeo talks, which are also linked on the website below, give a completely new insight into the world of light. The main focus here is on looking at light from the perspective of what it does to us humans biologically and therefore also in terms of our health. Despite medical progress, this question is hardly ever asked these days and, from our point of view, is very relevant to counteracting chronic illnesses.
The episode contains many exciting and relevant topics and there will certainly be a repeat.
Dr. med. Alexander Wunsch - light biologist, physician, scientific consultant and non-fiction author
Website: https://diekraftdeslichts.info/Book: The power of light: Why we need good light and bad light makes us ill (ISBN: 9783742309112)